Things All Couples Should Do Together Before Getting Married

Don’t even think about getting married before you do these things with your significant other!

1. Go On Date Nights Regularly

If you don’t get in the habit of going on dates before you get married, you’ll never go on dates once you get married.

2. Travel

Go somewhere new you both have been wanting to visit.

3. Spend Time Doing Things You Both Love

Spending time doing things you both enjoy will bring you closer.

4. Spill Your Secrets

It’s not good to go into marriage with skeletons still in your closet.

5. Decide Where You Will Live

Are you going to live closer to his place of employment or yours? Do you want to live in the country or in the city?

6. Divide Household Chores

Who’s going to do the laundry? Are you each going to do your own laundry? Who will do the dishes?

7. Become Friends With Each Other’s Friends

It’s important to like each other’s friends so you can all spend time together.

8. Have A Big Fight & Make Up

If you go into marriage without ever having a big fight, you won’t know how you’ll handle a fight once it happens.

9. Talk About Kids

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You need to talk about how many kids each of you wants to have or if you don’t want to have children.

10. Get A Pet Together

You need to make sure you are both capable of sharing the responsibility of taking care of something.

11. Spend Time With Each Other’s Families

It’s important to make sure you are comfortable around each other’s families before you get married.

12. Spend Time Doing What The Other Person Loves

It’s good to share interests, but you should also try to like some of the other person’s hobbies as well.

13. Spend Time With Married Couples

This will give you a feel of what it’s really like to be married.

14. Talk About Your Finances

You need to know how much debt you both have. You should also discuss who will pay the bills.

15. Live Together

Being in a relationship with someone is one thing. Living with that person is completely different. Making sure you can live together before you get married might save your marriage.