Ever since a man was a boy, he has been competitive. He competes for grades, competes for friends, competes to be on the varsity team and he competes for THAT girl. If you are a man and having trouble landing THAT girl, your problem stems from looking at it as a competition. Here are foolproof ways to get her; and to keep her.
Don’t Be Afraid To Flirt
You are at a bar and this woman catches your eye. Don’t talk yourself out of approaching her and actually flirting by saying hi. Instead what do you guys do? You throw a pick-up line her way and watch her walk away! Flirt but don’t be a douche.
Surprise Her Often
After you flirt with her and get her number, it’s important to woo her. Wooing her is the step you need to take in order to “land” her.
Read Up
What is meant by “read up” is quite simple: read up on things that interest the woman you are trying to woo. The more you know about her and her interests, the better you will look.
Give Her Your Attention
Instead of focusing on the game, the guys, and your smartphone, take time to focus on her and her alone.
Indulge In Romantic Gestures
Frequently, set time aside to indulge her in romance. Go on a romantic trip, set up a picnic in the park, etc. So something that will in turn, make her smile.
Include Her In Your Decisions
Whatever decision you need to make, ask her for your opinion. Let her know that her thoughts and feelings matter.
Respect Her
Displaying a chivalrous attitude is the perfect way to show your respect for the women in your life.
Be A Sex God
A successful relationship has two important traits, beautiful romance and sizzling sexual chemistry.
Be Honest
One of the worse things ANY man can do is to string a woman long and then go, “I just don’t want to mislead you.” Sorry buddy, but you already have! Let a woman know what your intentions are. If things are moving too fast, tell her to slow down. Don’t be shaky when it comes to being open and honest.
Always keep the lines of communication open 24/7 With technology today this is very simple.
Show Your Appreciation
Nothing pisses off a woman more than being taken for granted. Always show her that you care, that you acknowledge all that she does for you and always reciprocate your affection.
Don’t Cheat Or Lie
It doesn’t matter if you are married or in a relationship. There is NO excuse for cheating or lying. That’s what breaking up and divorce is for! If you aren’t happy, leave. But don’t disrespect your woman by cheating and lying to her.
Break Up In Person
If you need to break up don’t be coward and do it over a text, over social media, a voice mail, or even in an email. A REAL man does it face to face.
Tell Her You Love Her
Always tell her that you are proud of her, that you love her and that you are always going to be there for her. Make he feel that you can’t live without her and she will take that to heart.
Don’t Let Her Get Away
One mistake most guys make is that they fear committing to a woman too fast. So you guys play games, beat around the bush, and in turn let her walk away. Then you get jealous when another man reaps the reward of your stupidity. As Beyonce sang, “If you liked it then you should’ve put a ring on it.”